Red Deer

DTN CATTLE PRICES/TRENDS 03/25 08:10 HEAD SOLD LIVE STEERS DRESSED LIVE HEIFERS DRESSED KANSAS . . . . . NEBRASKA . . . . . TEXAS . . . . . COLORADO . . . . . IOWA . . . . . *PRIVATE SOURCES DTN COMMENTS: All is quiet in the country this morning, and it is looking like business is essentially done fore the week, although a little cleanup here and there is not out of the question. Asking prices for cattle left on showlists are around $140 in the South, and $223 in the North. Beef cutouts are expected to be mixed with light to moderate box movement. Southern live deals this week have been marked at mostly $138, fully steady with last week's weighted averages. Northern dressed trade has been marked at mostly $221, steady/weak with last week's weighted average basis Nebraska. The majority of the dressed business is set for delivery the week of April 4th. NOTE: Feedlots are encouraged to call DTN with any cattle sales, at 1-800-369-7675, ext. 3678. All sales will be listed anonymously and organized by state. All live sales are FOB and set for 1-9-day delivery. A weekly summary from this data will be posted on the Weekly Cattle Sales Reported to DTN page.