Red Deer

ONT Farm Market News PM Livestock Summary for August 26 Here is the Country Auction Report as collected by the Beef Farmers of Ontario Friday. * REPLACEMENT CATTLE: There were 1,000 head on offer at Brussels. Steers and calves sold steady. Yearling heifers sold $3-5 higher. Large & Medium Steers over 900 lbs:$191.41 - $216.93 Large & Medium Steers 700-800 lbs:$198.00 - $241.00 Large & Medium Steers 500-600 lbs:$209.00 - $252.50 Large & Medium Heifers over 800 lbs:$166.26 - $200.27 Large & Medium Heifers 600-700 lbs:$134.00 - $205.00 Large & Medium Heifers 500-600 lbs:$205.00 - $233.00 From the Beef Farmers of Ontario, the Rail Grade Report. Prices are on carcass weight basis, before grade and weight discounts. Steers: $306.00 - $306.00 Heifers: $305.00 - $306.00 *From Ontario Pork: *Quebec's average price on Thursday was $217.07 per ckg D.W. 100 index. *The previous markets day's CME Constructed (201) price was $114.58 U.S. per cwt. D.W. *Compared to the previous day this was down $2.94 *Average weekly price /ckg DW total value $306.68 *Total volume of Ont. hogs sold was 100668 * From the Beef Farmers of Ontario, the weekly beef commentary: Receipts of fed steers and heifers sold through auction markets this week were at 311 head, up 109 from last week and 111 more than last year at this time. Fed steers ranged from $170.76-$188.61 averaging $179.91 down $3.03 cwt from last week but $23.14 stronger than year ago prices. Fed heifers sold from $163.42-$185.26 averaging $174.43 down $0.71 from the previous week but $23.92 above this time last year. Auction markets reported trade as active at prices steady and firm to fully steady. The Ontario railgrade market started out the previous Friday at a complete standstill and continued that way until Tuesday. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday trade was reported at $306.00 dressed for steers and $305.00-$306.00 cwt for heifers with delivery the week of September 12th. Prices are fully steady to three weeks ago which was the last time a price was established. This weeks average price is up $44.75 cwt from the same time last year. The Boxed Beef Report by Kevin Grier cites Canadian Buyer Activity: Canadian movement at both retail and foodservice has been encouraging. Features have been performing as good or better than planned. That all translates into good spot market business the last few weeks for retail, foodservice and distribution. Added activity is noted for Labor Day coverage. Buys are mostly done for Thanksgiving. Those ads and fall ads in general indicate that beef is back in favor for the flyer. Foodservice buyers are more cautious than usual for longer term coverage, but ongoing turn purchases are robust. There were 2,019 fed/cull cows sold through auction markets this week up 185 head from last week and 162 more than this time last year. Cows sold from $79.58-$121.15 averaging $98.35 down $1.74 from last week but $19.79 stronger than year ago prices. Auction markets reported beef cows as steady to stronger to start and as the week progressed, they were holding steady. Dairy cows were noted as steady to start but by Tuesday were slightly lower to easier and by weeks end prices were steady to stronger. There were 436 beef cows sold this week down 61 head from last week, averaging $110.90 up $0.26 from the previous weeks weighted average beef cow price. 2,593 stocker and feeder cattle sold through Ontario auction markets this week down 354 head from last week and 600 fewer than this time last year, but special fall sales are starting this weekend and weekly volumes will ramp up through the fall. Auction markets reported trade this week as active and strong with higher prices. Medium quality cattle were reported as steady. Actual average prices this week for steers 400-500 lbs were up $0.97, 500- 600 lbs were down $6.33, 600-700 lbs down $6.87, 700-800 lbs down $5.21, 800-900 lbs down $0.30, 900-1000 lbs down $7.02 and steers 1000 lbs plus averaged $0.89 higher than last week on average. Heifers from 300-400 lbs were down $26.92 from last week, 400-500 lbs down $6.77, 500-600 lbs down $6.47, 600-700 lbs down $12.21, 700-800 lbs up $19.54, 800-900 lbs up $4.77 and heifers 900 lbs and over averaged $4.45 stronger than last weeks weighted average prices. Alberta direct trade was light with Canfax noting trade from $300.00-$302.00 delivered on a dressed basis which is steady to $2.00 stronger than the previous week. Canfax notes: All three western Canadian packers are active on the cash market. Lift times were all over the map depending on which packer bought the cattle. Two packers were buying cattle for September delivery while the other was buying cattle for early October delivery. Tentatively new annual price highs were established this week. A good percentage of this weeks cash offering was marketed, and we should not be dealing with too many carry over cattle heading into next week. The U.S. cash cattle trade the week ending August 19th was stronger in all feeding states. Business in the south range from $138.00-$143.00 live, mostly $142.00 up $2.00 cwt from the previous weeks trade. In the north some live trade saw a wide range from $146.00-$153.00, mostly $148.00- $150.00 up $2.00 while dressed deals ranged from $230.00-$239.00. Overall average prices reported by the USDA Mandatory Price Report saw live steers averaging $146.88 up $2.49 cwt with heifers averaging $144.53 up $0.83. On the rail, steers averaged $234.23 up $4.30 cwt with heifers averaging $233.92 up 4.06. This week the U.S. cash cattle trade was quiet on Monday but light to moderate on both Tuesday and Wednesday in all feeding states. Business in the south was reported from $138.00-$143.00, majority at $142.00 live which is fully steady to last week. In the north some live deals were from $146.00-$149.00, mainly $148.00 which is about steady while dressed deals have ranged from $232.00-$236.00, mostly $232.00-$234.00, steady to $2.00 cwt lower. Thursday, trade was scattered with prices a touch easier than the week's sales. Deals in the north were from $144.00-$148.00 live and $230.00 dressed, which is $2.00-$4.00 lower while a few deals in the south were noted at $141.00 live, down $1.00 from early week sales. Today the market is quiet and it appears that business for the week has been completed. Jamie Gamble - Beef Farmers of Ontarios market information report.