Red Deer

ONT Farm Market News PM Livestock Summary for January 20 Here is the Country Auction Report as collected by the Beef Farmers of Ontario Friday. * REPLACEMENT CATTLE: There were 900 head on offer at Brussels. All classes of cattle traded on a slightly higher market, with quality considered. Large & Medium Steers over 900 lbs:$213.69 - $244.58 Large & Medium Steers 700-800 lbs:$234.00 - $276.75 Large & Medium Steers 500-600 lbs:$238.00 - $301.00 Large & Medium Heifers over 800 lbs:$194.46 - $214.88 Large & Medium Heifers 600-700 lbs:$215.00 - $240.50 Large & Medium Heifers 500-600 lbs:$212.00 - $249.00 *From Ontario Pork: *Quebec's average price on Thursday was $161.94 per ckg D.W. 100 index. *The previous markets day's CME Constructed (201) price was $72.91 U.S. per cwt. D.W. *Compared to the previous day this was down $0.73 *Average weekly price /ckg DW total value $217.59 *Total volume of Ont. hogs sold was 109083 * From the Beef Farmers of Ontario, the weekly beef commentary: Comments for the week ending January 19, 2023: 385 fed steers and heifers sold through auction markets this week up 15 from the previous week and 80 more than the same time last year. Fed steers ranged from $176.87-$197.16 averaging $191.06 up $1.84 from the week before and $21.35 stronger than year ago prices. Fed heifers sold from $172.79-$195.70 averaging $185.28 down $1.32 cwt but $17.91 higher than this time last year. The bottom end of the heifer range was another $3.00 below last weeks trade with a large price range again this week indicating a variety of quality sold. Auction markets reported trade as active with prices steady to stronger, up to $2.00 cwt higher by weeks end, with fancy cattle bringing a premium as steers and heifers both topped the market at $206.00 cwt. The Ontario railgrade market started out steady at $326.00 dressed for steers and $325.00 for heifers but sellers showed limited interest. A few sales early this week were noted at these prices but by Wednesday sales were reported at $328.00 dressed for steers and $327.00-$328.00 for heifers up $1.50-$2.00 cwt on average respectively. Cattle that sold this week were being scheduled for delivery mainly the week of January 23rd with some sales going in the week of the 30th. A couple of lots sold $3.00 cwt higher to a local provincial plant with delivery next week. Prices this week are up $37.50 cwt over last year at this time. The Boxed Beef Report by Kevin Grier notes Canadian activity as: Buyers big and small, foodservice, retail and distribution are looking at the numbers and saying, no thanks. Buyers are planning merchandising for late February/early March and looking at beef that is high cost. Foodservice buyers looking for put down buys will step back. Feature plans are being re- assessed. They dont like being exposed but the $30, four-week price increase left no choice. There were 2,956 fed/cull cows sold through auction markets this week down 214 from last weeks volumes but 641 more than the same time last year. Cows sold from $73.43-$105.60 averaging $86.19 down $0.47 from the previous week but $16.19 higher than last year at this time. Auction markets reported trade as steady with quality considered with one market noting slightly stronger pricing. By mid-week trade was steady on the beef breeds and stronger on the dairy cows with the market ending the week on a good demand at firm prices. This week 593 of the offering was beef cows, up 126 head from the week before, averaging $90.91 which is $3.14 easier than last weeks weighted average beef cow price. 4,691 stocker and feeder cattle sold through auction markets this week up 1,701 head from the previous week and 2,188 more than the same week last year. Auction markets reported trade as steady right across the board. By weeks end a good demand with active trade was noted at strong prices, with calves noted as stronger. Actual average prices this week for steers 400-500 lbs were up $25.81 cwt from last week, 500-600 lbs up $18.07, 600-700 lbs up $6.61, 700-800 lbs down $6.75, 800-900 lbs down $11.16, 900-1000 lbs up $1.30 and steers 1000 lbs plus averaged $2.86 below last weeks weighted average prices. Heifers from 300-400 lbs were up $1.32 from the previous week, 400-500 lbs up $23.43, 500-600 lbs up $21.19, 600-700 lbs up $2.35, 700-800 lbs up $15.93, 800-900 lbs up $9.63 and heifers 900 lbs plus averaged $4.26 higher than last weeks weighted average prices. The Quebec electronic market this week was reported at $330.00 dressed on a picked-up basis up, $1.50 cwt from last week on average. Alberta direct trade this week was light with slightly stronger prices. Canfax reported trade this week from $315.00-$317.00 delivered on a dressed basis, up $2.00-$4.00 cwt from last weeks prices. Canfax reports: Live sales were reported around 187.00 FOB the feedlot, 1.00 higher than last weeks weighted average price. Cattle that traded were being scheduled for mid-to- late February delivery. Light volumes of Alberta fed cattle traded to the US. Sales to the US were at roughly a 2.00 premium over local deals. Cattle that traded to the US would be picked up in 1-2 weeks. The U.S. cash cattle trade the week January 13th was light to moderate with slightly easier prices. In the south prices ranged from $154.00-$157.00 live, majority at $156.00 cwt down $1.00 from the previous week on average. In the north some live trade was reported from $156.00-$160.00, mainly $156.00-$157.00 down $1.00 while dressed deals ranged anywhere from $246.00-$255.00, most from 250.00-$252.00. Final results for the week reported by the USDA Mandatory Price Report saw live steers overall average $156.78 down $0.96 with heifers averaging $156.58 down $1.16. On the rail, steers averaged $251.11 down $0.94 with heifers averaging $251.32 down $0.73 from the previous week on average. This week the U.S. cash cattle trade was closed on Monday for a federal holiday. Tuesday was quiet as show lists were distributed. Wednesday saw a couple of deals in Nebraska and Iowa at $248.00 dressed, down $3.00 cwt on average but not nearly enough sold to establish a market, while the south remained untested. Thursday trade was light to moderate at easier prices. In the south trade was reported from $153.00-$155.00 live, mainly $155.00 down $1.00 from the previous week. In the north live trade ranged from $155.00-$158.00 live, mainly $155.00-$156.00 down $2.00 cwt. Dressed deals were $3.00 lower cwt from $243.00-$250.00, mainly $248.00. Today a light trade in the south is noted at $155.00 live, steady to the week's decline with a couple of deals in Iowa at $157.00 live, also steady to Thursday. Asking prices are sitting at $156.00-$158.00 live in the south and $249.00 plus dressed in the north. At 3:00 pm this afternoon the Cattle On Feed Report will be released with tighter supplies anticipated which should support the market moving forward. Jamie Gamble - Beef Farmers of Ontarios market information report.