Red Deer

ONT Farm Market News PM Livestock Summary for June 3 Here is the Country Auction Report as collected by the Beef Farmers of Ontario Friday. * REPLACEMENT CATTLE: There were 1,150 head on offer at Brussels. All classes of cattle sold on an active trade at steady to stronger prices. Large & Medium Steers over 900 lbs:$193.32 - $207.19 Large & Medium Steers 700-800 lbs:$183.00 - $234.00 Large & Medium Steers 500-600 lbs:$215.00 - $245.00 Large & Medium Heifers over 800 lbs:$166.78 - $191.58 Large & Medium Heifers 600-700 lbs:$175.50 - $222.50 Large & Medium Heifers 500-600 lbs:$140.00 - $232.00 From the Beef Farmers of Ontario, the Rail Grade Report. Prices are on carcass weight basis, before grade and weight discounts. Steers: $320.00 - $320.00 Heifers: $319.00 - $320.00 *From Ontario Pork: *Quebec's average price on Thursday was $210.11 per ckg D.W. 100 index. *The previous markets day's CME Constructed (201) price was $105.49 U.S. per cwt. D.W. *Compared to the previous day this was up $0.92 *Average weekly price /ckg DW total value $258.08 *Total volume of Ont. hogs sold was 81975 * From the Beef Farmers of Ontario, the weekly beef commentary: Comments for the week ending June 2, 2022: The fed cattle market saw an active week of trade with 319 fed steers and heifers sold through auction markets this week, down 106 head from last week and 231 fewer than the same time last year. Fed steers ranged from $184.07-$196.04, averaging $191.17, up $5.38 from last week on average and $35.99 stronger than year ago prices. Fed heifers traded from $178.65- $195.41, averaging $188.59, up $3.01 from the previous week and $37.91 above year ago prices. Auction markets reported active trading with good buyer demand and prices $2.00-$3.00 cwt higher to start, with one market noting prices up to $10.00 cwt higher. By mid-week trade was holding fully steady and firm. The Ontario railgrade market continues to trend higher with sales starting out this week at $310.00 dressed for steers with heifers selling from $309.00- $310.00. Prices held steady until late Tuesday, early Wednesday where they advanced to $315.00 dressed for steers and $314.00-$315.00 for heifers. By Thursday, sales were noted at $320.00 cwt up another $5.00 from the day before. Cattle sold this week were for immediate delivery to the week of June 6th. This weeks average price is up $6.00 from last week at $311.75 and $51.00 cwt stronger than this time last year. The last time steers averaged $311.75 was the week ending September 3, 2015. 2,157 fed/cull cows sold through auction markets this week up 375 head from last week and 295 more than this time last year. Cows sold from $86.02- $119.71 averaging $102.41 up $2.71 from last weeks weighted average price and $21.91 stronger than last year at this time. Auction markets reported a strong demand with prices steady to last week, with quality considered. By mid-week trade on the beef cows was reported as $5.00- $7.00 cwt higher with lots of demand, while dairy cows were $3.00-$5.00 cwt stronger. The market ended the week continuing at strong prices. Beef cow volumes were up 198 head at 754, averaging $107.64 up $0.53 from last weeks beef cow average. 5,555 head of stocker and feeder cattle were sold through auction markets this week up 2,051 from last week and 1,497 more than the same time last year. Auction markets reported calves as active with prices steady to stronger and up $3.00-$5.00 cwt by mid-week and ended the week strong, up $1.00-$2.00. Grass cattle continued at a premium. Heavier cattle were reported at strong prices and $3.00-$5.00 cwt higher for the most part and ended the week up $1.00-$2.00. Actual average prices this week saw steers 400-500 lbs up $8.45 from the previous week, 500-600 lbs up $17.67, 600- 700 lbs up $7.80, 700-800 lbs up $9.45, 800-900 lbs up $25.99, 900-1000 lbs up $5.68 and steers 1,000 lbs plus averaged $3.12 above last week on average. Heifers from 400-500 lbs were up $16.88 from the week before, 500-600 lbs up $2.54, 600-700 lbs down $0.10, 700-800 lbs down $4.56, 800-900 lbs up $2.12 and heifers 900 lbs and over averaged $2.37 above last weeks weighted average prices. The Quebec electronic market this week ranged from $310.25-$311.50 dressed cwt on a picked-up basis, up $4.58 from last week on average. Alberta direct trade was light on Wednesday and Thursday with sales reported at $288.00 cwt delivered on a dressed basis, steady to $2.00 easier than last week. Canfax reports: Competition on this weeks cash market was limited with one packer buying most of the cattle. Most of the cattle that traded this week were being scheduled for the week of July 4th and 11th delivery. In the odd instance, producers were willing to take less money for a quicker pickup date. Premiums were also noted if cattle graded over 70% AAA. The U.S. cash cattle trade for the week ending May 27th saw live cattle in the south range from $136.00-$138.00 while live cattle in the north traded from $139.00-$145.00 live and $222.00-$227.00 dressed. Final results posted by the USDA Mandatory Price report saw steers averaging $139.07 live, down $1.18 while heifers averaged $138.35 down $2.22 from the previous week. On the rail steers averaged $223.99 dressed down $1.81 from the previous week on average, while heifers averaged $223.06 down $2.49. This week, the U.S. cash cattle trade saw a light test on Tuesday in parts of the south at prices $2.00 cwt lower at $135.00 live while the north was untested. Wednesday, light to moderate trade continued in parts of the south at $135.00-$136.00 live down $1.00-$2.00 from last week, while a couple of deals in the north were noted at $222.00-$222.50 dressed and $138.00 live, also $1.00-$2.00 easier than last week. A few deals on Thursday were noted from $135.00-$136.00 live in the south, down $1.00-$2.00 cwt. In the north trade ranged from $138.00-$142.00 live, most from $140.00-$142.00 which is better than early week trade, but steady to easier than last weeks northern trade, while dressed deals were at $222.00 down $2.00 from last week. A few clean up deals are possible but it appears the bulk of business is completed. On June 1st the Chicago Mercantile Exchange limits for live cattle increased to $5.75 with an expanded limit of $8.50. Feeder cattle limits are now $7.00 with an expanded limit of $10.50. Jamie Gamble - Beef Farmers of Ontarios market information report.