Red Deer

ONT Farm Market News PM Livestock Summary for November 18 Here is the Country Auction Report as collected by the Beef Farmers of Ontario Friday. * REPLACEMENT CATTLE: There were 1,400 head on offer at Brussels. Calves sold on a higher market for all types. Yearlings had not sold at the reporting time. Large & Medium Steers over 900 lbs:$187.57 - $237.32 Large & Medium Steers 700-800 lbs:$220.00 - $256.00 Large & Medium Steers 500-600 lbs:$245.00 - $302.00 Large & Medium Heifers over 800 lbs:$160.60 - $202.93 Large & Medium Heifers 600-700 lbs:$197.50 - $230.00 Large & Medium Heifers 500-600 lbs:$204.00 - $263.00 *From Ontario Pork: *Quebec's average price on Thursday was $196.14 per ckg D.W. 100 index. *The previous markets day's CME Constructed (201) price was $88.11 U.S. per cwt. D.W. *Compared to the previous day this was down $0.06 *Average weekly price /ckg DW total value $254.58 *Total volume of Ont. hogs sold was 104972 * From the Beef Farmers of Ontario, the weekly beef commentary: Comments for the week ending November 17, 2022 : There were larger volumes of 450 fed steers and heifers sold through auction markets this week, up 97 head from last week and 65 more than this time last year. Fed steers sold from $179.97-$188.20 averaging $184.62, up $0.27 from the previous week and $24.16 stronger than year ago prices. Fed heifers sold from $167.07-$187.48 averaging $179.19, up $0.30 from last week and $23.76 stronger than this time last year. Auction markets reported trade as active on good demand with prices anywhere from $1.00-$5.00 cwt stronger. The Ontario railgrade market reported this week saw limited volumes trade the previous Friday at $306.00 dressed for steers and $305.00 for heifers, as some sellers passed bids. By Monday light trade was reported at $310.00 dressed for steers and $309.00 for heifers and continued at this price for the remainder of the week with delivery scheduled for the week of November 21st. On average prices were up $3.00 cwt from last week at $309.00 for steers and $308.00 for heifers, and $39.00 cwt over year ago prices. 2,617 fed/cull cows sold through auction markets this week up 380 head from last week but lighter than this time last year by 392 head. Cows sold from $69.71-$105.98 averaging $86.21 up $0.98 from the week before and $29.07 stronger than year ago prices. Auction markets reported trade as active with good demand and prices steady to stronger, up $3.00-$5.00 in spots. 599 of this weeks offering were beef cows, down 123 head from last week, averaging $90.02 up $2.22 cwt from last weeks weighted average beef cow price. The Boxed Beef Report, by Kevin Grier, notes: there continues to be plenty of cattle to move in both the U.S. and Canada. Production should stay ample. Spot Market- Cargill in Guelph had a full week with overtime, putting in about 1,950 per day. JBS worked its usual 4,300-4,400 except Wednesday with production problems in the first shift. Cargill in High River worked Saturday but its daily average kills were lower due to weather related worker shortages. All in all, buyers should be able to find most of what they need this week on Canadian product. There is a lot of meat around in both primary and secondary markets. In the meantime, the U.S. is pushing product north which will increase Canadian availability. Slightly lighter receipts of 6,563 stocker and feeder cattle sold through auctions this week down 359 head from the previous week and 101 fewer than the same week last year. Auction markets reported calves as steady on a strong active market, with quality considered. Yearlings started out on a strong active trade at prices steady to $2.00-$3.00 cwt higher, but as the week progressed, trade was steady on good demand and ended the week higher. Actual average prices saw steers 400-500 lbs down $12.03 from last week, 500-600 lbs down $6.94, 600-700 lbs down $20.84, 700-800 lbs down $5.01, 800-900 lbs up $38.81, 900-1000 lbs up $19.58 and steers 1000 lbs and over averaged $19.40 higher than last weeks weighted average prices. Heifers from 300-400 lbs were down $28.57, 400-500 lbs down $3.06, 500- 600 lbs down $6.04, 600-700 lbs up $0.18, 700-800 lbs up $10.88, 800-900 lbs up $9.48 while heifers 900 lbs plus averaged $1.43 below last week on average. Alberta direct trade this week was light notes Canfax, with prices reported from $304.00-$305.00 delivered on a dressed basis, up $1.00-$4.00 from last week's trade. Canfax reports: "Cattle that traded were being scheduled for the week of January 2nd and 9th delivery. In some instances, packers were limiting the amount of cattle they were buying from each producer. US packer interest was quiet, and no cattle ended up being marketed south. The U.S. cash cattle trade the week ending November 11th was fully steady although sellers were hoping for better prices. In the south trade ranged from $147.00-$150.00 live, mainly $150.00 while deals in the north ranged from $153.0-$156.00 live, mainly $153.00 with dressed trade from $237.00- $244.00, mainly $242.00. Overall average prices for the week, reported by the USDA Mandatory Price Report saw live steers average $152.71 up $0.73 while heifers averaged $152.30 up $0.15. On the rail, steers averaged $241.34 down $0.56 with heifers averaging $242.09 up $0.48. This week the U.S. cash cattle trade was quiet until Wednesday with moderate trade developing. Business in the south was steady at $150.00 live with some live deals noted in the north at mainly $153.00, also steady. On the rail dressed deals ranged from $240.00-$242.00, majority at $242.00 which is also steady. Thursday saw packers paying a little more for cattle than on Wednesday. In the south sales were reported at $151.00-$152.00 live up $1.00-$2.00 from Wednesday on moderate volumes. In the north trade was from $153.00-$155.00 few at $156.00 and $242.00-$244.00 dressed, steady to $2.00 cwt higher. At time of reporting the market is quiet and it appears the bulk of trade is completed. The Cattle on Feed Report is released today at 3:00 pm. Jamie Gamble - Beef Farmers of Ontarios market information report.