Red Deer

ONT Farm Market News PM Livestock Summary for October 7 Here is the Country Auction Report as collected by the Beef Farmers of Ontario Friday. * REPLACEMENT CATTLE: There were 1,450 head on offer at Brussels. Calves and yearlings sold fully steady to last week's high market. Large & Medium Steers over 900 lbs:$214.31 - $259.98 Large & Medium Steers 700-800 lbs:$200.00 - $274.00 Large & Medium Steers 500-600 lbs:$232.50 - $284.00 Large & Medium Heifers over 800 lbs:$171.30 - $200.15 Large & Medium Heifers 600-700 lbs:$183.00 - $240.00 Large & Medium Heifers 500-600 lbs:$192.00 - $241.00 From the Beef Farmers of Ontario, the Rail Grade Report. Prices are on carcass weight basis, before grade and weight discounts. Steers: $303.00 - $303.00 Heifers: N/A - N/A *From Ontario Pork: *Quebec's average price on Thursday was $198.41 per ckg D.W. 100 index. *The previous markets day's CME Constructed (201) price was $92.57 U.S. per cwt. D.W. *Compared to the previous day this was down $0.38 *Average weekly price /ckg DW total value $264.08 *Total volume of Ont. hogs sold was 109276 * From the Beef Farmers of Ontario, the weekly beef commentary: Comments for the week ending October 6, 2022 : 226 fed steers and heifers sold through auction markets this week, down 103 from the previous week and 96 fewer than the same time last year. Fed steers sold from $175.75-$185.69 averaging $181.17 up $1.58 from last week and $23.68 higher than year ago prices. Fed heifers traded from $169.22-$183.51 averaging $177.17 up $4.60 from the week before and $21.43 stronger than last year at this time. Auction markets reported trade as active with prices steady to easier to start and steady to fully steady as the week progressed. The Ontario railgrade market continued at steady prices with steers reported at $303.00 dressed and heifers from $302.00-$303.00. The week started out the previous Friday with delivery the week of October 17th but by Wednesday this week cattle sold were being scheduled for the week of October 24th. This weeks prices continue to average $33.00 cwt above last year at this time. Much lighter receipts of 1,669 fed/cull cows sold through auction markets, down 665 from last week and 1,017 fewer than the same time last year. Cows ranged from $81.56-$120.95 averaging $99.08 down $2.26 from the previous week but $31.85 stronger than year ago prices. Auction markets reported a good demand with prices steady to easier, with quality considered. Plainer and thinner types were slightly easier. 385 beef cows were in the mix this week down 341 head from last week, averaging $105.30 down $2.18 cwt from last weeks weighted average beef cow price. Live cattle exports from Ontario to the U.S. are down from last year with the exception of feeder cattle. Export stats provided by Canfax and Statistics Canada show steer exports at 2,360 head as of August 30, 2022 which is down 58% from the same time in 2021. Heifer exports are sitting at 10,516 head, down 13% from the year before. Cull cow exports are at 25,605 head as of August 30, 2022 down 29% year over year and bulls at 207 head down 26%. Feeders on the other had are up considerably at 2,890 head exported from Ontario as of August 30, 2022, which is up 144,400% as there were only 2 head exported by August 30, 2021 year to date. The 2022 feeder export volumes compared to the five year average are up 73% year to date and just 12% more than in 2020. The lower CDN dollar recently should provide support to the live cattle export market. 7,946 stocker and feeder cattle sold through auction markets this week, up 2,668 from the week before and 946 more than the same week last year. Auction markets reported calves as trading actively with prices steady to higher with quality considered to start, and steady the remainder of the week. Grass cattle were steady to higher on good demand, bringing premiums. Yearlings were strong and fully steady on the steers and steady on the heifers. Actual average prices this week saw steers 400-500 lbs down $4.25 cwt from last weeks weighted average, 500-600 lbs down $8.23, 600-700 lbs down $3.67, 700-800 lbs down $0.26, 800-900 lbs up $15.96, 900-1000 lbs up $3.11 and steers 1000 lbs and over average $5.01 stronger than last week on average. Heifers from 300-400 lbs were down $5.91, 400-500 lbs up $1.96, 500-600 lbs up $6.65, 600-700 lbs down $7.62, 700-800 lbs up $5.20, 800-900 lbs up $4.17 and heifers 900 lbs and over averaged $6.11 easier than last week on average. Alberta direct trade was light with prices reported for this week from $300.00- $304.00 cwt delivered on a dressed basis, steady to $1.00 cwt easier. Canfax reports: "Light volumes of Alberta cattle traded into the US. Depending on freight and dressing percentage, prices are working back to the low to mid $180s FOB lot. Sales to the US are at a slight premium over local deals. Cattle that traded to the US would be picked up in a couple weeks while sales to western Canadian packers would not be picked up until mid-November." The U.S. cash cattle trade the week ending September 30th was basically steady to the prior week, with live trade in the south from $141.00-$143.00, mainly $143.00. In the north live trade ranged from $144.00-$148.00 and $226.00-$233.00 dressed with majority of business being concluded on Tuesday and Wednesday. The overall average prices for the week, reported by the USDA Mandatory Price Report, saw live steers average $144.78 down $0.16 while live heifers averaged $144.18 up $0.01. On the rail steers averaged $229.17 up $0.18 while heifers averaged $228.98 down $0.69. This week the U.S. cash cattle trade has been light with sellers able to push prices a little higher. In the south trade has been noted from $143.00- $144.50 live, mainly $144.00 up a solid dollar from last week's southern trade. In the north live trade has ranged from $144.00-$148.00, mainly $147.00-$148.00 up $1.00-$2.00 cwt, while dressed deals have been reported from $228.00-$232.00 dressed, mostly $230.00 up $1.00 cwt. There are still some cattle to sell but sellers are not going to let them go at prices already seen this week and are holding out for asking prices of $145.00 live in the south and $150.00 live and $233.00-$235.00 dressed in the north. If packers are willing to pay more we could see a light trade continue today, otherwise the cattle will wait until next week with sellers pricing cattle higher. Jamie Gamble - Beef Farmers of Ontarios market information report.