Red Deer

ONT Farm Market News PM Livestock Summary for September 9 Here is the Country Auction Report as collected by the Beef Farmers of Ontario Friday. * REPLACEMENT CATTLE: There were 1,100 head on offer at Brussels. Calves and yearlings sold on a very strong, active trade at higher prices, with grass-cattle bringing further premiums. Large & Medium Steers over 900 lbs:$208.91 - $235.83 Large & Medium Steers 700-800 lbs:$212.00 - $272.00 Large & Medium Steers 500-600 lbs:$231.00 - $300.00 Large & Medium Heifers over 800 lbs:$175.09 - $204.73 Large & Medium Heifers 600-700 lbs:$211.00 - $226.00 Large & Medium Heifers 500-600 lbs:$175.00 - $248.00 From the Beef Farmers of Ontario, the Rail Grade Report. Prices are on carcass weight basis, before grade and weight discounts. Steers: $306.00 - $306.00 Heifers: $305.00 - $306.00 *From Ontario Pork: *Quebec's average price on Thursday was $214.08 per ckg D.W. 100 index. *The previous markets day's CME Constructed (201) price was $100.15 U.S. per cwt. D.W. *Compared to the previous day this was down $0.21 *Average weekly price /ckg DW total value $272.56 *Total volume of Ont. hogs sold was 99924 * From the Beef Farmers of Ontario, the weekly beef commentary: Comments for the week ending September 8, 2022 : Lighter receipts of fed steers and heifers sold through auction markets this week at 190 head, down 123 from last week and 84 fewer than last year at this time. Fed steers sold from $174.15-$186.48 averaging $151.05 up $0.41 from last week and $17.43 stronger than year ago prices. Fed heifers sold from $170.60-$183.38 averaging $178.21 up $1.55 from the previous week and $21.94 higher than this time last year. Auction markets reported trade as steady across the board, but ended the week as active at firm prices. The Ontario railgrade market was light this week with a few deals the previous Friday at steady prices of $306.00 dressed for steers and $305.00- $306.00 for heifers. The market was quiet the holiday Monday and on Tuesday with one federal packer with no bid. On Wednesday and Thursday trade was reported at steady prices with delivery the week of September 26th. The Boxed Beef Report by Kevin Grier notes: Cargill in Guelph looks to be getting back into some numbers as its daily kills are 1,900 with regular overtime. Cargill, High River did its usual 4,700. There is no Saturday on the long weekend, but they will make up for Monday with a harvest this coming Saturday. JBS was running 4,300-4,400 with no Saturday for the long weekend. Canadian Buyer Activity - Canadian spot market activity was generally good from both retailers and distributors. Buyers were hedging to ensure coverage for features and to fill in for better-than expected movement. Big retail buyers are planning more abundant features compared to last year. Items to be featured in October are the traditional fall items. Foodservice buyers were hand to mouth on fresh business but were active to support good movement. They have begun to fish for their longer-term needs. Lighter receipts of fed/cull cows were also recorded this week at Ontario auction markets at 1,609 head, down 57 from last week and 303 fewer than the same week last year. Cows ranged from $81.93-$123.52 averaging $101.59 up $1.92 from the previous week and $23.62 above this time last year. Auction markets reported trade as steady to higher to start, on a strong demand. As the week progressed trade was anywhere from steady to $3.00- $5.00 cwt easier, to steady to $5.00-$8.00 cwt higher. The market ended the week continuing at strong prices. Beef cow volumes were down 104 head from the week before at 322 head, averaging $110.11 down $0.80 on average from last weeks weighted beef cow price. 3,977 stocker and feeder cattle sold through auction markets this week up 351 head from last week and 952 more than this time last year. Auction markets reported trade as steady to stronger with quality considered and ended the week at higher prices. Keen buyer interest was reported on the light calves and top-quality grass cattle were reported as trading at higher prices. Actual average prices this week saw steers from 400-500 lbs up $29.88 from last week, 500-600 lbs up $17.53, 600-700 lbs up $4.53, 700- 800 lbs up $34.13, 800-900 lbs up $9.98, 900-1000 lbs up $6.86 and steers 1000 lbs and over averaged $2.61 above last weeks weighted average prices. Heifers from 300-400 lbs were up $34.70 on light receipts, 400-500 lbs up $2.07, 500-600 lbs up $15.12, 600-700 lbs up $22.85, 700-800 lbs up $5.69, 800-900 lbs up $0.83 and heifers 900 lbs plus averaged $5.84 easier than last week. Alberta direct trade was light this week with Canfax reporting prices from $300.00-$303.00 delivered on a dressed basis which is steady to $1.00 cwt easier than the previous week. Canfax notes: Depending on which packer bought the cattle, cattle were being scheduled for anywhere from late September to mid-October delivery. The U.S. cash cattle trade the week ending September 2nd saw live trade in the south from $136.00-$142.00, majority at $141.00 cwt down $1.00. In the north dressed deals ranged from $225.00-$234.00 with some live trade from $143.00-$147.00, mainly $144.00 down $1.00-$3.00. Overall average prices reported by the USDA Mandatory Price report saw live steers average $142.88 down $1.91 while heifers averaged $142.47 down $1.45 cwt. On the rail steers averaged $228.78 down $4.10 while heifers averaged $229.18 down $3.34. This week the U.S. cash cattle trade was basically at a standstill until Thursday morning. A couple of scattered deals in the north were noted Tuesday and Wednesday at $228.00 dressed with a few in the south at $141.00 live but not nearly enough sold to establish a market. Sellers were digging in this week and holding out for higher prices, but were unsuccessful. Light to moderate trade in the south developed Thursday at fully steady prices of $141.00 live. In the north live trade was also steady to a touch easier from $142.00-$148.00, mainly $143.00, but dressed trade was around $2.50 cwt easier from $225.00-$230.00 dressed, majority from $226.00- $227.00. Today the market is quiet and it appears the bulk of trade for the week is completed. Jamie Gamble - Beef Farmers of Ontarios market information report.